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Tips for choosing the best vacuum cleaners for allergy sufferers


Allergies bother many people across the country every year. They try everything from taking pills to keeping the environment clean. It’s best to have a vacuum cleaner that can help you collect allergies efficiently. Today, I’d like to share some tips on choosing the  best vacuum cleaner brands for allergy sufferers.

  • Clear out all the allergies with HEPA filter or anti-allergy filter

The first and most important factor of a good vacuum cleaner for allergy sufferers is the HEPA filter or the anti-allergy filter. These filters help capture the unwanted allergy particles, preventing them from going back into the air after every cleaning session. It’s recommended that you should choose a vacuum cleaner with HEPA 13 to HEPA 15 or a special anti-allergy filter to block 99.95% to 99.995% allergy particles. And because the filters are very important, you should clean them regularly and replace them every six months.

  • Different cleaning modes for different needs

The second factor you should consider is cleaning modes. In a simpler term, cleaning mode is how the vacuum cleaner works, including the wattage of the suction power. For example, when dealing with carpets, you need a cleaning mode that can stir the dust from carpet fibers out and strong suction power to collect them. But when you work with hardwood floors, you’ll need a cleaning mode that won’t burst all the dust into the air but collect them right away with an appropriate suction level. So again, take a look at the vacuum’s parameter to decide which vacuum cleaner is best for your personal needs.

  • Bagless vs. bagged vacuum cleaners

Nowadays, we have taken more seriously protecting our environment with reusable products. That’s why many people choose bagless vacuums instead of bagged vacuums. But suppose you’re suffering from a pretty strong allergy. In that case, a bagged vacuum cleaner is one of the top 10 vacuum cleaners  for you. Vacuum cleaners with reusable dust cups require you to empty them over trash cans and clean them regularly. You will have to get in contact with the dust and allergy you just got rid of by cleaning earlier. Unless there is someone who can do those things for you, it’s best to choose a vacuum cleaner with sealed bags so you can reduce getting in contact with allergy agents to a minimum.

  • The power of attachment

The final factor which is also essential to a vacuum cleaner is the attachment. Dust and pollen are easily built up in nooks and crannies, and these areas are the hardest to reach. Even when you have the best rated vacuum cleaner, you can never clean these places 100% without the right attachment. Another example is that pollen can easily be embedded in the fabric of your sofa, your pillow, or your mattress. Without the upholstery tool, you will have to wash these things constantly to keep them clean. Remember what attachment you already have and which one you should have to clean every corner of the house, then you can have an allergy-free environment.


I hope by using these tips, you allergy sufferers out there can choose the  Best Rated Vacuum Cleaners for yourself. Let’s enjoy a comfortable and enjoyable life with the power of technology together!

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