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Tips for buying the right robot vacuum cleaner for your house


Vacuuming is not fun, especially after a busy week at work. That’s why many homeowners employ a robot to help them with this task. Regardless of what your budget is, there is a robot vacuum cleaner for you. With technological advances, many manufacturers are now able to offer customers affordable models. Given this, the list of Best home vacuum cleaner always includes at least one cleaning robot. However, reading too many reviews might confuse you. So we will provide you with a few tips to pick the right robot for your house.


1. Pick robot vac based on the size of your house.


We reckon this is the most crucial tip that any vacuum shopper needs to know. The reason is while some models fit small apartments, others are designed for large houses with many rooms. For example, iLife V3s Pro suits townhomes, whereas irobot Roomba i7+ is the ideal choice for homes of 2,000 square feet.



2.   Survey your furniture


Unlike those heavy corded vacuums, such as Karcher WD4 Premium that might struggle to clean under  low couches or sofas, robot vacs can go under beds and wardrobes in your house to keep them clean. However, that does not mean shoppers can pick any model that they want. We recommend you always check to see how much room there is under the lowest furniture to ensure your robot can pass through. Some models are 4 inches tall; a few can be as low as 2.2 inches.


3.   Consider your pets as well


Pet hair can be annoying for many homeowners, regardless of how much you love your cats and dogs. Given this, how many pets you have will affect your purchase decision. Best Vacuum Cleaners Reviews, therefore, usually include a few robotic vacuums for pet owners like Samsung Powerbot R7070 or iLife V3s Pro. No matter how expensive your robot vacuum is, pet owners need to have a proper plan for regular maintenance. Spinning brushes, rolling brushes need to be taken care of carefully.


4.  Opt for robot vacs with HEPA filter if you’re allergic to dust, pollen or cats and dogs hair


Allergy sufferers may have a constant runny nose, watery eyes, and may suffer from sneezing. This problem can become worse if there are a few pets in the house because of allergens and pet hair floating around  your home. The good news is there are robot vacuum cleaners that are equipped with HEPA filters. These models suck up 99% of allergens in the house to leave you with clean air. To ensure their top performance, users need to clean it regularly and thoroughly.



5.  Decide your budget


Vacuum cleaners come at varying prices. One may find a $200 model good enough while others insist on picking a $1000 robot vacuum cleaner. Therefore, identify how much you are willing to spend before looking for available models on the market. Low to mid-end robots do pretty good jobs while premium models can map your house environments to clean them faster and more efficiently.


➽➽➽ See This Page: What Are The Best Vacuum Cleaner? Find Out Now


The bottom line


The size of your dwelling, the space under your lowest furniture and your budget are the three most important factors that decide which robot vacuum you should choose. Plus, good vacuum cleaners should be robot vacuums with HEPA filters as they keep your air fresh and clean. We hope our above post was helpful. Click share if you like it, and feel free to leave us your comments below.

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